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Welcome to Astha Life Insurance Company

Astha Life Insurance Company Ltd, a concern of the Army Welfare Trust, a new company in the marketplace. The company is the first of its kind to offer life insurance services to Armed forces and paramilitary personnel’s as well as to the general mass. The company started its journey with an aim to bring about a positive change to the current insurance industry with its fully digitalized operations, innovative and diversified product lines and reliable services. The company is strongly committed to provide a superior service to its customers and protect the interest of its stakeholders.




Why Astha life

There are currently 33 Life Insurance companies operating in Bangladesh including Astha Life. In the high potential market of Life Insurance, Astha Life comes out as a different entity is with it’s out of the box thinking and the intention of revolutionizing the conventional insurance system. Along with that Astha Life also focuses on delivering innovative and need based products and services. Moreover Astha Life values its customers trust above all and aims to stand out in the current life insurance industry with its commitment towards fair practices, competent workforce and digitalized services.

Astha Life Insurance wishes to provide the most superior and reliable services of optimum standard to the people of Bangladesh. In addition to that Astha Life also holds the ambition of bringing vast lower income group of people under financial inclusion and protection network.

As being a part of the Bangladesh Army, Astha Life will focus the same value of trustworthiness, reliability and excellence. With its extensive training program and its strong compliance towards all practices.
